Part 1: What Does a Transmittal Form Stand For?
This Form helps create a cover letter that exchanges physical and electronic materials and other project team members. Transmittals consist of information that explains the contents of the documents.
The Purpose of Transmittal Form
The purpose of a Transmittal or cover letter is to contain a larger document. The larger document provides the sender with a permanent record of the sent material with the complete brief. In addition, it offers the recipient based on the specified context.
Part 2: Information that is Added on a Transmittal Form
The first and foremost information includes applicant number, filling date, first named inventor, art unit, examiner name, and attorney docket number.
In addition to the above information, the following enclosure is needed.
The primary enclosures are Fee Transmittal Form, Fee Attached, Amendment/Reply, After Affidavits/declaration(s), Extension of Time Request, and Express Abandonment Request along with Information Disclosure Statement. Moreover, it requires a Certified Copy of Priority Document(s), Reply to Missing Parts/, and Reply to Missing Parts under 37 CFR 1.52 or 1.53.
Furthermore, it requires drawing (s), Licensing-related Papers, Petition, Petition to Convert to a Provisional Application, Power of Attorney, Revocation, Change of Correspondence Address, Terminal Disclaimer, and Request for Refund.
Besides, it requires the signature of the applicant, attorney, or agent. You need to fill up the Form with Firm name, Printed name, Signature Date, and Reg. No.
Part 3: How to Precisely File a Transmittal Form?
Here is the step-by-step guide to filling out a Transmittal Form.
For filling out a Transmittal Form, you can access it on this page.

There is a transmittal/inventory form on the main page that is essential to fill out. It consists of office information, including records title, number of boxes, description of materials, the date range for said materials, and one page for the contents of the boxes.

There is a need to file the office information, and the authorized person needs to sign the transmittal form. Also, it is essential to provide brief details of the document.

In addition, you can add the destruction date of materials—also, fill in the details about analog records and electronic records.
Overall, it requires filling out all necessary information along with other details in the inventory sheet.
Part 4: What Convenience Does a Transmittal Form Offer to a Filer?
A transmittal or cover letter covers up broader terms that can be a document. The transmittal letter offers a particular context to the recipient that requires a more extensive copy and provides the sender with a permanent record of having sent the material. These letters share brief information.
The need to use transmittal letters comes when one needs to communicate information in writing to recipients outside of the organization and are not entirely involved in your project. Following are the most common uses for a letter of Transmittal.
- Financial reports or information
- Project proposals or specific details
- Scientific and technical reports
- Confidential and sensitive documents
Part 5: Added Knowledge about Filling a Transmittal Form
Transmittal letters also incorporate instructions or requirements about the attached documents. Like, suppose you prepare and submit a report containing a brief explanation about why sales dropped. In that case, there is a need to attach a letter of Transmittal to provide a short description.
In this way, recipients can know what to expect in the attached documents to understand their importance.
Part 6: Much Needed External and Governmental Resources on Transmittal Form